Prophetees Montseng Phakoana
05:00 - 05:59
ON AIR NOW: Baptisim Of Fire Minstiries

Zambian authorities on Thursday defied a court order stopping them from deporting top Zimbabwe opposition figure Tendai Biti, handing him to police across the border, his lawyer said.

"They have defied the court order...

09 August 2018 | 16:48

In preparation of the journey to the upcoming national constitutional reforms, the Right Hounarable Prime Minister Dr Motsoahae Thomas Thabane organised the Leaders Forum Conference in Maseru, starting from the 9th to the 12th August...

09 August 2018 | 16:38

The Secretory General of Alliance of Democrats(AD) Dr Mahali Phamotse, said citizens who love their own countries know the history of their own countries and they are not ashamed of it, because it is only when one knows where he comes...

09 August 2018 | 15:50

The African Union on Monday called for the rights and freedom of all Congolese, to be upheld amid mounting tensions over the country's presidential race.

Candidates must submit their applications to run in Democratic...

07 August 2018 | 18:10

Minister of Gender, Youth, Sports and Recreation Honourable Mahali Phamotse, officially launched the 2018 to 2030 National Youth Policy in Maseru yesterday.

Speaking at the event Honourable Phamotse said the ministry...

07 August 2018 | 17:58
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